Learning Vitamins Order Page

    Right now, our products are 10%-65% off!   Best of all, no subscription required — buy and use them forever!

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Below, the Learning Vitamins Are
Available in 3 User-Friendly Formats:

  • PDF files for printing
  • CalcuPak Software for printing and timing
  • Pre-printed Drill Masters with SuperSlates
  • These Learning Vitamins "Home Edition" include the rights for use by your immediate family only — that is, yourself, spouse, and your biological and adopted children of school age.
        If you are a teacher, tutor, or school staff and need to use these drills with children from multiple families, scroll about 3/4 of the way down this page to see our Teacher's and School Edition CalcuPaks.

    PDFs of Individual Learning Vitamins Books

    PDF downloads sent by email to you within 1 business day. If you
    don't see it in your email inbox, check your spam/junk folder as well.

    CalcuLadder 1 PDF

    basic addition and subtraction

    CalcuLadder 2 PDF

    advanced add. & subtr., basic multiplication, telling time

    CalcuLadder 3 PDF

    advanced multiplication and
    basic division

    $15 special! $12.95 $15 special! $12.95 $15 special! $12.95
    I saw this product in:
    I saw this product in:
    I saw this product in:

    CalcuLadder 4 PDF

    intermediate & advanced division, place values, rounding, estimating, decimals, and intro to fractions, etc.

    CalcuLadder 5 PDF

    basic and advanced fractions terminology, reducing, cancelling, LCD, and mixed numbers, etc.

    CalcuLadder 6 PDF

    fractions review, percents, Roman numerals, English and Metric units, Polygons, geometric concepts, finding areas, etc.

    $15 special! $12.95 $15 special! $12.95 $15 special! $12.95
    I saw this product in:
    I saw this product in:
    I saw this product in:

    ReadyWriter PDF
    AlphaBetter PDF SanctiFinder PDF
    $15 special! $12.95 $15 special! $12.95 $11 special! $9.95
    I saw this product in:
    I saw this product in:
    I saw this product in:

    CalcuPak Software - Home Edition

    CalcuPak System Requirements:
    200 MB of available hard disk space
    Mac OSX version 10.11 or higher, including MacOS Monterey
    Not compatible with Mac OS BigSur. If you are a BigSur user, just email us to request the pdfs of the drills contained in the CalcuPak(s) you purchase, so you can have access to printing the drills and keys anyway.
    Windows PC
    120 MB of available hard disk space
    Windows 10, 8.1 or 8
    Windows 7 SP1 Ultimate, Professional, or Home Premium

    CalcuPak 1 Home Edition

    WOW! CalcuPak 1 includes all
    drills, QuicKeys, and certificates from four workbooks: CalcuLadder 1, 2, and 3, and ReadyWriter!

    Basic addition & subtraction • advanced addition and subtraction • basic + advanced multiplication • basic division • stylus skills, basic penmanship, & more!

    CalcuPak 2 Home Edition

    WOW! CalcuPak 2 includes all
    drills, QuicKeys, and certificates from four workbooks: CalcuLadder 4, 5, and 6, and AlphaBetter!

    Advanced divi­sion • decimals • fractions & mixed numbers • English and Metric units • Roman numer­als • percents • geo­metric concepts • dictionary skills, and much, much more!

    CalcuPaks 1 and 2
    Home Edition

    Buy both as a bundle save even more!
    Internet Download - if it doesn't show up in your email inbox immediately, check your spam folder.
    $60 special! $31.95
    Internet Download - if it doesn't show up in your email inbox immediately, check your spam folder.
    $60 special! $31.95
    Internet Download - if it doesn't show up in your email inbox immediately, check your spam folder.
    $120 special! $55.95
    Windows or Mac?
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    Windows or Mac?
    I saw this product in:
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    Buy both as a bundle & save even more!
    Physical Delivery on CD -
    $68 special! $33.95
    + $4.95 S&H FREE S&H!
    USA Addresses Only
    Physical Delivery on CD -
    $68 special! $33.95
    + $4.95 S&H FREE S&H!
    USA Addresses Only
    Physical Delivery on CD -
    $136 special! $59.95
    + $6.95 S&H FREE S&H!
    USA Addresses Only
    Windows or Mac?
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    Windows or Mac?
    I saw this product in:
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    I saw this product in:

    Home Edition Printed Drills Masters with SuperSlate

    You will receive the hard copy drill packets by U.S. mail, and your CalcuPak download link by email. If your CalcuPak email doesn't show up in your inbox right away, check your spam/junk folder also.

    MasterPak and CalcuPak 1: CalcuPak 1 download, plus hard copy masters of CalcuLadders 1-3 and ReadyWriter, 2 SuperSlates, 6 overlays, 2 oz. tube of petroleum jelly
    $152 special! $62.95
    + $8.95 S&H
    USA Addresses Only
    MasterPak and CalcuPak 2: CalcuPak 2 download, plus hard copy masters of CalcuLadders 4-6 and AlphaBetter, 2 SuperSlates, 6 overlays, 2 oz. tube of petroleum jelly
    $152 special! $62.95
    + $8.95 S&H
    USA Addresses Only
    Everything included in the printed MasterPaks 1 & 2, as well as the CalcuPaks 1 & 2 Downloads
    This bundle is the best deal on our website!

    $304 special! $119.95
    + $9.95 S&H
    USA Addresses Only
    Windows or Mac?
    I saw this product in:
    Windows or Mac?
    I saw this product in:
    Windows or Mac?
    I saw this product in:
    SuperSlate with 3 overlays Reduced Price Slate (slightly scratched); 3 overlays included Pack of 5 Transparent Plastic Overlays for Slates
    $18 sale! $14.95 + $6.95 S&H $15 special!
    $9.95 + $6.95 S&H
    $5 sale!
    $3.95 + $1.45 S&H
    I saw this product in:
    I saw this product in:
    I saw this product in:

    Our hard-copy, pre-printed CalcuLadders 1-6, MasterPaks 1 and 2, ReadyWriter, AlphaBetter, and SanctiFinder are available from Rainbow Resource Center: www.RainbowResource.com
    Click the product images below to browse the Learning Vitamins at Rainbow Resource's website. Best of all, Rainbow Resource offers FREE SHIPPING on all orders above $50!

    CalcuLadders with SuperSlates ReadyWriter Workbook AlphaBetter with SuperSlate SanctiFinder Workbook

                        Additional Family-Made Gift Products:

    With God and NeuroScience OR Overcoming! "AdoctrinaMiento" DVD and Homeschooling Info Pak in Spanish! "The Little Brown Mouse and How I Learned to Share"
    $16 $11.95 + S&H
    $13 $6.95 + S&H
    $25 $5.95 + Free S&H
    $15.95 sale! $10.95 +
    $5.95 S&H
    Choose one...
    "O Where Was I" storybook-coloring book From My Self to My Savior by Ellen Myers "God-I-Am, Can We Agree, Are You God or Is It Me?"
    $4.98 Special!
    $2.49 + $2 S&H
    $13.95 $12.95 + $5.95 S&H $4.98 Special!
    $2.49 + $2 S&H

    CalcuPak 1 and 2 Teacher’s Edition

    If you are a teacher, aide, or tutor of students from more than one family, you must use the CalcuPak Teacher’s Editions. The Teacher’s Editions include an extended Copyright Release allowing you to print Learning Vitamins copies for your classes forever in the future! Teacher’s Editions also enable you to print multiple copies of different drills in the same print job! You may not share copies with other teachers (with the exception of the SanctiFinder classroom edition which may be used by any/all teachers at an institution such as a church or school). CalcuPak Teacher’s Editions may not be used in a resource lending library for students' parents.

    Buy both and save!
    CalcuPak 1
    Teacher's Edition
    CalcuPak 2
    Teacher's Edition
    CalcuPaks 1 and 2
    Teacher's Edition
    SanctiFinder Classroom Edition - drills pdf download
    Internet Download -
    $100 special! $49.95
    Internet Download -
    $100 special! $49.95
    Internet Download -
    $200 special! $92.95
    $20 $18.95; emailed within 1 bus. day
    Windows or Mac?
    Windows or Mac?
    Windows or Mac?
    I learned about
    this product in:

        Prefer the CalcuPak Teacher's Edition on CD instead of the download? CalcuPak Teacher's Edition on CD can be ordered from Rainbow Resource Center with free shipping on orders of over $50! Click here to order from Rainbow Resource Center.

    CalcuPak 1 and 2 School Edition

    The CalcuPak School Editions include the additional extended copyright permission to make copies for all teachers, grades, and classes at a single campus in your school forever in the future! If you want your entire staff to have access to Learning Vita­mins, then the Calcu­Pak School Editions are what you need. School Editions also enable you to print multiple copies of different drills in the same print job! School Editions may not be used in a resource lending library for students' parents.

    Buy both and save!
    CalcuPak 1
    School Edition
    CalcuPak 2
    School Edition
    CalcuPaks 1 and 2
    School Edition
    Internet Download -
    $150 special! $74.95
    Internet Download -
    $150 special! $74.95
    Internet Download -
    $300 special! $142.95
    Windows or Mac?
    Windows or Mac?
    Windows or Mac?

    30-Day Money Back Guarantee

    We want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase. We offer a full money-back guarantee (not including shipping or our credit card/PayPal processing fees) any time within the first 30 days after purchase.

    If you are not completely satisfied with your CalcuPak 1 and/or 2, just follow the simple de-activation steps provided with your software, and email us the de-activation code and customer information generated by your CalcuPak.

    If you purchased physical CalcuPak CD(s), printed drill worksheets, the SuperSlate, or books, you must also return these items to us at your expense.

    We will cheerfully refund your merchandise cost, not including shipping or our credit card or PayPal processing fees, to the same account with which you made your purchase.

    School Made Simple
    15457 NW 140th St.
    Newton, KS 67114

    Contact Us